Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Scariest "mom" moment to date

Little Brook had a seizure yesterday. It was terrifying. She had been fussy all day. The reason why, I couldn’t discern. She ate well, was drinking water and active, following me around the garden in the morning, the house in the afternoon. After lunch I put her down for her nap a little early, as she seemed tired. When I heard her give a little cry upstairs, I went to get her and found her having a seizure and seeming to choke. When she didn’t respond to me I carried her downstairs, had Farra fetch Bobby while I called 911 for the first time in my life. The ambulance was on it’s way. Time dragged on. My baby girl’s eyes rolled and her body was wracked with spasms. She was so feverish. It didn’t seem like she was getting any air. I had no idea what to do and the voice on the phone, although helpful, wasn’t stopping this seizure. It probably only lasted a minute or two… Bobby scooped her into his arms in an upright position and she soon went limp, which I thought at first was better than the seizure, but her breath was so shallow and slow to return, I wasn’t sure! I think the position may have opened her windpipe to where she wasn’t choking.

My heart goes out to my aunt, who, as a single mom, raised my severely epileptic cousin… I remember when they lived with us when she was only three or four and witnessing some of the seizures. My heart also goes out to a dear sister in TN whose daughter, now a teenager, still suffers seizures, I believe as a result of a brain tumor as an infant. There is nothing like watching your baby go through this! I can’t imagine it being a regular thing.

By the time the EMTs arrived, Little had come around, but was emitting this steady, whiny sort of cry and her body was still fairly limp. We’d removed her shirt and had been rubbing her with a wet cloth, to cool her slowly. The EMTs assured me it was probably just a fever-induced seizure, made worse by the sudden summer heat we’ve been experiencing. She took some Tylenol and finally took a drink of water. They gave us a heads up about the sicknesses going around and were overall very sympathetic and encouraging, though there was nothing for them to “do” at that point. She was very limp for a time, and slowly she began to look around her. She just scowled at the EMTs, like they were the reason she was suffering! I knew then that she was alright. About half an hour after they left and the Tylenol kicked in she was willing to leave my arms (I was willing to release her) and she snuggled down in my bed next to Farra and took another nap. In the evenings it’s the coolest room in the house.

Last night she slept in the playpen in our room (her crib is upstairs with the other kids) and poor Bobby hardly slept a wink because he was so worried about her. Every time she’d reposition or make any noise he was right there by her with the flashlight, watching, praying. She has continued with a fever but has no other signs of illness, nor have the rest of us. The night was cool, comfortable for sleeping, and today we were blessed with a delicious downpour and clouds, so it’s muggy but not hot. She’s doing well. I’m very grateful.


Trish said...

gosh I imagine it was terrifying! I'm praying for her!
Hope it NEVER happens again!!

Trav2 said...

I see you've moved -- but I just now read this entry. Hopefully that was her first and last seizure!!!! I know it is/was a hopeless terrifying thing to 'wait' through!

That is why I allowed Shane to keep her thumb --- it was always the sign to me that 'she" was back and alright after a seizure.