Wednesday, December 16, 2009

My Etsy Sewing Thrill

I love to sew.  It's a wonder I have time for it, but it's one of my favorite things to do.  Years ago I started sewing up skirts with unique applique, some for myself and some as gifts.  I frequently received compliments on them when I was out and in the last couple years have even had ladies request them, purchasing them as gifts for thier friends. 

Early this summer the local fabric store went out of business and my spouse let me purchase a goodly amount for winter sewing.  The idea was to make up some skirts to sell.  Although my back has prevented me from being at the machine alot, I've been able to get a couple skirts sewn.  I'd heard of Etsy, so I checked it out and it seemed like a decent sort of place (with not too much competition for what I have in mind), so I opened shop.

With fear and trembling (can you say perfectionist?) I gingerly priced and placed this paisley piece

 and sold it within minutes to a lovely gal in New Zealand.  Whoa.  No kidding? No kidding.  I cried.  Seriously.  Bobby said, "Well, looks like we'd better get sewing!"  Remember, rough winter, no work, etc...

When he's not working (which, halleluYah, he has been!) he helps me iron and cut and do the basic sewing.  (I'm so pleased that he's manly enough not to have a complex about this!)  Farra and Atira help, too.  I do the finishing and applique and/or patchwork.  Now he has some work, so I'm sewing as I'm able.  Family and home always come first.

So, check it out here, if you like.  You can also find the link on the sidebar.  I hope to sew some schnazzy baby carrier type wraps to sell, also. 

Here's the newest skirt, modeled by the lovely Farra. 

Good photos are important and though I've taken lots of photos of my work in the past, I've had to really put some thought into that end of it.  Good thing I enjoy photography, too, eh?


Trish said...

I love it!! That is so pretty!

Unknown said...

I'm so proud of you! I wish I had talent. I don't. I will live through you! I can't imagine how fulfilling it must be to be able to just whip up something beautiful to help your family.

I've been praying about the job situation. Isn't it wonderful to know He always provides?


p.s. I'm at my mom's house

Beck's Bounty said...

What beautiful skirts !!


Gail said...

I love the skirts!