Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Getting Rich Quick: Musings From The Couch

I really had no idea how much I did, how complex my average day was, until I was confined to the couch and attempting to direct my family members to do just some of what I usually do. Sometimes a momma can feel overwhelmed and taken for granted... is it wrong to feel a tiny sense of accolade that the home just barely functions when I'm not on duty? I guess it's just my sick way of snatching a compliment! Really, this all may sound prideful, but if you consider that I'm the type that usually beats myself up over what I don't or can't get done, my self esteem account usually in the proverbial "red", then having something in the form of a compliment brings me just up to the "black" and I feel alright. Is that pride?

As discouraging as it is to not be able to do the things I like to do or feel like I need to do, to wonder if I'm ever going to be "normal" again (well, you know what I mean!), it has not escaped my attention that this is the Father's perfect will for our family. It has been a good spiritual growing season. I'm learning to be at peace with the situation, to be still. I'm forced to teach more and do less - the children are all learning about serving and are doing it with cheerful hearts. They are being stretched in their abilities (Daddy always seems to expect more of them than Momma) and actually thriving on it. It's good.

My Farra is a blessing that words can hardly describe. It brings tears to my eyes when I watch how she willingly serves. And serves. And serves. And the only thing she ever asks is for me to read to her when we have a quiet moment, or maybe share a little chocolate with me from my stash. She is able to do most of the things I do around the house, she only needs to be asked. She is 2nd in command when it comes to the animals and their needs. Perfectionist that I am, I never am concerned that the animals are being neglected when Farra is in charge of the barn. It's so hard to believe that she's only ten! And Atira is swiftly coming up behind her in ability and willingness. And Seth! He takes such pride in especially masculine things like bringing in the wood and taking out the trash. (Yet, his favorite pastime right now is embroidery!)

Not to be outdone by the children, Bobby has been a real hero lately. Even when my back wasn't on the fritz he's really been pitching in around here. He's growing in leaps and bounds these days, really willing to do more around the house (remember, we're talking about someone who is currently not working outside the home). He's never been unwilling to help, he usually just doesn't know how or where. He's beginning to take more initiative. The load is not as heavy on me when he's home, when it used to be more so! But it's his brighter attitude that blesses me most. More about how he does it that what he does. If you could hear his testimony and know the way he was brought up, you could really rejoice with me in this new attitude toward work!

This is all part of my get-rich-quick scheme, you know, counting blessings.


Trish said...

I like your get rich quick idea! that's very nice "counting your blessings"