Thursday, December 10, 2009

Yahweh’s provision and our nearsightedness

The construction trade is hard. Always feast or famine. It's harder still to practice construction in a depressed area, as we do. Harder still in the winter months. But Yahweh is faithful!

This winter seems rougher than the last, but I suppose it's only because it's closer to us than the last. Well, maybe it is rougher. With my back acting up, not a drop of unemployment income (the downside to being self-employed), and being off food stamps for the first time in years (by choice). Regardless, it's always a trying time. The struggle is always the same. How are we going to pay the next bill? Can we make it through the winter without killing each other? But our faith is growing. We're seeing more victory in our attitudes than ever before. Being down periodically with back pain has forced me to be still and know that he is Elohim.

I’m tempted, as always, to wig out about tomorrow, but having been here so many times and seeing Father’s faithfulness... I’m much quicker to remember that just because I can’t see past today doesn’t mean all hope is lost. My Father can see clearly in what to me is darkness and he knows the plans he has for me (and they're good plans!). Yeah, right now we have no way to pay this bill or that bill, but it’s still a whole week away. And even if Yahweh doesn’t provide for it, I trust that we need that humbling.

When Bobby’s home and doing everything he can to find paying work, stress levels at the Williams’ house are usually quite high. He feels inadequate and I’m rarely much help! Somehow it’s different this time. The temptation is there, for both of us, to bicker and blame (goes well with that helpless feeling we both experience)... but we’re seeing each other overcome. I’m amazed at Bobby’s perseverance in seeking gainful employment, as well as his faith that Father will provide. His calm, steady nature is strength to me and makes me less prone to pick on him. It also encourages me to trust Father. We’ve come a long, long way, my man and I.

As if these weren’t blessings enough, let me tell you more.

So far this is how Yahweh has provided since Bobby’s last regular job (before Thanksgiving):

A surprise $50 in the mail from a family member.

Our neighbors needed their guest house sided and their son (who works at a factory full time and construction part time) has been too busy to get to it so he paid Bobby to do it.

(Usually there’s a few days between these things. Enough time to stretch us, test our faith.)

My washing machine dies. In the middle of a load (when else?). We had told no one about it and yet that evening a friend calls and asks if we could use a washer. It’s not in great shape, but should get us by until we can afford to fix my ancient and small, but sturdy Maytag.

I start up an Etsy shop online and sell my first item, an appliqué skirt (my specialty), within minutes of posting it. What an ego boost! Now we’re sewing up skirts and things every spare minute we’ve got so I can post and hopefully sell more. This is limited by my back pain - I can’t sit at the machine for too long. The bonus: Bobby’s and Farra’s sewing skills are drastically improving.

We found a furniture shop that would buy all the furniture we’d been trying to sell yard-sale style this summer. It sold for much less than it was worth, but a bird in the hand is worth two in the bush.

Someone gifts us the money to pay our electric bill.

My dad turns us onto a roof job. Bobby stops by the house where this guy is roofing and he hires him on the spot. He’s impressed with Bobby’s skill and what a hard worker he is. He pays him more than the agreed amount . Also, upon hearing the amount of our mortgage payment due at the end of the week, says he has enough work for Bobby that we should be able to make it. Bobby’s reputation as a reliable, hard worker is being built, as we’re praying. The work is close to home. The guy has rental properties and will likely call on Bobby again.

Yahweh gifts his daughter special peace and wisdom to be content and joyful in the dark. She is then able to set the mood for the home and makes it easier for the rest of the family to be at ease and trust.

While Bobby’s in town he runs into a friend who offers to give our phone number to a carpet installer who sometimes needs help. The carpet installer calls the next day and the day after that (yesterday) Bobby is working with him. It's not steady work, and it’s an hour or so away, and the pay is barely worth it, but it’s something! The fella has been hoping for some regular help because as it’s just him he often has to turn down work. Opportunity? Maybe. Maybe.

That one there, I tell ya what... Here we are, praising Yahweh for his provision, and it’s good and right that we do so, but rather nearsighted of us. This last job (“divine appointment”) showed us that maybe Father has something more in mind than just providing money for our bills and food for our bellies. When we’re in this mode that’s often all we can see. It didn’t cross my mind that Yahweh is using Bobby to bless others, and others to bless Bobby, in means other than financial.

Bobby and this carpet installer, Don, were talking a bit through the morning, but long about lunch time the talk turns to food and it comes out that Bobby tries to abide by the food laws set forth in the Bible. Don is intrigued and asks if Bobby keeps the Feasts. The rest of the day Don insists Bobby work in the same room with him (instead of in another room, where he’d worked that morning) so they can talk.

Yahweh has been leading this man and his family toward a better understanding of and obedience toward the Torah. He was thrilled to hear everything Bobby had to say (and Bobby has been learning so much! And for the most part only has me to share it with. He was on cloud nine after work yesterday. "It was so refreshing!" he said). At some point they even had a concordance out and were really digging in the Word. Don was disappointed that Bobby couldn’t come back today (gotta finish that roof - which is closer and also pays better). He told Bobby that he was pretty unsure about him upon first meeting (my spouse is a little, um, rough looking) but was so blessed to get to know him better.  (He gets that a lot.)

See what I mean? We were just thankful for the work but Yahweh had something bigger in mind! We both feel it confirms our feeling that Bobby should be doing more work on his own, where he can meet more people and share truth with them. He’s not very extroverted and doesn’t offer much unless asked, but he seems to be good at spotting opportunities to plant seeds.

He also came home thinking he would like to work with Don more to learn the ins and outs of carpet installation so he can offer this service as well. (He really will be a jack of all trades!) This, combined with the fact that his little truck’s transmission cannot possibly last much longer (“reverse” has been out for months and it’d cost more than it’s worth, and more than we can afford, to fix it) led him to suggest that we keep our old Chevy van that we’ve been trying to sell (also for months). It was overheating when we parked it but otherwise is still a great van. I had just had this thought the night before and was going to suggest it to him! The gas mileage isn’t as good, but it would be a lot more convenient for a work vehicle, with lots of room for his tools (and carpet, should he go there, and other materials). And, the back folds out to a bed which he could make use of when working farther from home, if hard pressed. His little truck should sell easily around here, even with the tranny issue.

Will the Williams make their mortgage payment this month? Will Bobby freeze on the roof today? Will they be able to buy cheese next week? Will Kaleesha crack up with evil fretting and inability to function normally? Tune in next time to The Bigger Half!