Thursday, June 10, 2010

A Peek At MO's Raw Milk Battle

I don't get out much and certainly don't watch TV news and unless I'm looking for something I don't even read internet news, so I'm a little slow in learning about the battle regarding raw milk, right here in my own state.  It came to my attention first when I read a recent article in the Countryside & Small Stock Journal.  The author reported the specifics of a few cases, one of which involved a family here in Missouri, the Berchards.  When I lived in the Springfield area, I had the chance to visit the Berchard farm with a friend and was blessed by this sweet family who had a passion for good, home-grown food.  This same family is now under attack for selling raw milk, which is perfectly legal in our state.  I just found the following blog post and thought I'd share the link, for those interested in the story or the battle:   Berchard Family Under Attack