Saturday, April 17, 2010

Sabbath on Tucker Creek

Walked down our creek with my children today... what a blessing it is to have this creek!  With the waterfalls and most of our property upstream we don't spend much time downstream (the property narrows downstream, too - it's pie shaped, with the creek on one side and the road on the other).  Farra was insistant that there were springs down there and sure enough, there were a few places where icy cold water just flowed out of the rockybank and trickled into the creek.  We have live springs!  I'm so excited.  Too bad they're not uphill from the house...

Here's some images from today and last week...

Little Brook

Farra & Atira helping me macrame a plant hanger


Seth recovering from a near fall
kids in their "cave"
even the doggies had fun
Blue, very happy about her slime ball

Not one of my kids, but nice creations anyway


Trish said...

Ha! I remember playing with moss at your house when we were kids, why is that so fun?

I love your picture posts!

Anonymous said...

Hello, friend!

Nice to see you back. Been missing you!

Your children are so beautiful, and that Little's chunky legs--- Do you give straight cream?!

Love you!