Friday, December 4, 2009

Gal and Isabella

Finally got together with my sister and Vince and as a bonus I had a peek at how my wee niece is growing. None of the family got together this year for Thanksgiving (I was okay with this until that morning and then felt this huge stab of saddness!), but Gal & Vince had us over for a bit in the evening. I brought my camera! Here's 9 month old Isabella Grace (and her doting mama):

My five older children are thrilled with their cousin and Blue in particular spent much of the time trying to get Little Brook to play with her (though Farra is holding Little in this shot).


Trish said...

Aw she's so little! She looks like Galidee, too bad when they are that small they don't really play with eachother...

Isabella has very bright eyes very pretty!
